Home » Proper Computer Workstation Design

Proper Computer Workstation Design

A user can have the perfect computer workstation setup and still have a number of problems with their back, neck, wrists, elbows, etc. How is this possible? The answer is simple, the user is not using their perfect workstation correctly. They could be sitting in horrible posture, have their monitor too far away from where they are sitting, or do something as simple as gripping their pointing device incorrectly. You can be the most productive worker at your office, but that can easily be taken away from you if you are getting distracted by the pain and discomfort you are experiencing while working at your computer workstation.

This page tells you how to set up your computer workstation to work comfortably in order to stay focused on whatever the user is doing on the computer. What does a perfect workstation look like? The image below from http://www.nowloss.com/perfect-posture.htm shows how a comfortable and easily usable computer work station should be set up.


The image above from https://nowloss.com shows proper sitting posture and computer placement in order for the user to be comfortable working at the computer workstation.


If you prefer to work at a standing computer work station, the workstation design is very much like the sitting workstation, just without the chair. Simply stand in good posture, and set up the computer the same way you would sitting down. It is recommended that you stand on a soft pad with a foot rest to rest one of your feet.

Now you’re ready to use your computer workstation to its maximum potential and you know what a good computer workstation is! If you have any questions on anything specific, listed below is a table depicting standards and guidelines from countries around the world from Woo, White, and Lai (2015):

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This table shows the standards and guidelines for computer workstations in Australia, Canada, US, Europe, and Hong Kong.


Now that you know how to properly use and set up your computer workstation, it’s time to choose the best workstation for you to use.



Perfect Posture – The Basics. (2013) (http://www.nowloss.com/perfect-posture.htm, retreived April 3, 2016)

Woo, E. H., White, P., & Lai, C. W. (2015). Ergonomics standards and guidelines for computer workstation design and the impact on users’ health – a review. Taylor and Francis Group. (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hoi_Chi_Woo/publication/284139169_Ergonomics_standards_and_guidelines_for_computer_workstation_design_and_the_impact_on_users’_health_-_a_review/links/564c3fd708ae020ae9f8a1f4.pdf.f, retrieved on April 3, 2016)


Updated on 4/3/2016